His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I on Encouraging Agriculture

His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I was a strong advocate in developing Agriculture in Africa. Haile Selassie knew Agriculture was vital in the sustenance of the economy in Africa.
Therefore, it is my duty to share the information on the speech by HIM to all. I will write this speech in hope of the recognized need of Agriculture.
The development of any nation has a lot to do with its agriculture department. Therefore let us do all we can to develop and to maintain our rich heritage in farming.
The Teachings of HIM: RasTafari speech on Development | Wise Mind
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The fruits of the farmer’s labour must be enjoyed by him whose toil has produced the crop…. Without agricultural expansion, industrial growth is impossible. Haile Selassie I.

In addition, Agriculture, is the backbone of the nation’s economy.
“…While Our people who earn their living from farming and animal husbandry cannot today gain equally as they did in the last previous years from the export of cereals,
We have taken adequate measures to maintain their prosperity, and the value of our currency in the international market, is maintaining its previous value.
Humanitarian Haile Selassie I on THE “FREEDOM FROM HUNGER” CAMPAIGN
Haile Selassie I on increasing the standard of living through communication
Furthermore, realizing that the export and marketing of local products constitute able support of a nation’s economy. We have given instructions to
Our Minister of Commerce and Industry to expedite the study and preparation of projects aiming to promote and stimulate the export of Ethiopia’s agricultural and other surpluses.
We have ordered Our Minister of Agriculture to prepare a long-term programme for the improvement of agriculture and for the amelioration of livestock and cattle;
already veterinarians with the necessary equipment have begun the campaign against diseases in order to better develop this source of Our people’s wealth.
Haile Selassie I on the Economic Development in Ethiopia
Haile Selassie I To The World Council For The Blind
H.I.M Haile Selassie I
Nov. 2, 1949.
Therefore, let us conclude the importance agriculture plays on any one nation. Let us strive to develop our agriculture sector to be prosperous.
In addition, the development of agriculture is the essential pre-condition to the growth of industry. Let us work towards this brighter future and prosperous tomorrow.
It is important that we learn the Teachings of HIM and learn what is required of us of the faith of RasTafari. While it is the hope that you all may be inspired by HIM,
to live the best you can to be closer to the Most High. I pray therefore that this will help in knowing RasTafari. Be blessed. Selah.