Teachings of H.I.M: Rastafari Speech on Leadership, How to be a leader

Teachings of H.I.M: Rastafari Speech on Leadership, How to be a leader
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Throughout the life of Rastafari/”His Imperial Majesty”, without a doubt he was an exemplary “Leader”. Not only for Africa but for all the “Negros” right across the world. “His Majesty” was never shy in leading by example.

Today, we see many of the world leaders right around the world today leading the people blindly and into destruction. They have no remorse for the people they claim to be “leading” away from the ways of the “Most High” and his laws.

There are many characteristics in which a great “leader” possess. For instance, “His Majesty” led the Ethiopians to victory over “Mussolini” and the Italians. He personally fought and led the nation of Ethiopia on the battlefield instead of just giving commands like many high ranking commanders.

No doubt, “Rastafari” was well spoken, and filled with infinite knowledge and wisdom. And here we will discuss some of the speeches made on “Leadership”. The Teachings of HIM:

H.I.M Speech on Leadership

  • “Leadership” does not mean domination. The world is always well supplied with people who wish to rule and dominate others. Although the true leader is of a different sort. He seeks effective activity which has a truly beneficent purpose. He inspires others to follow in his wake. And holding aloft the torch of wisdom, leads the way for society to realize its genuinely great aspirations”.

Many leaders feel that to lead means to have dominion. True leadership is not of this character. Therefore a true leader seeks to help and to motivate, to lead by example and encouraging all along the way.

He is an inspiration, when those that see him are moved to want to follow in his wake/stead. With great wisdom, comes great responsibility. He is moved, not by selfish ambitions but for a genuinely great aspirations for all.

  • “The art of leadership consists in the ability to make people want to work for you. When they are really under no obligations to do so”.

A true leader seeks aspirations greater than himself. He knows that a common cause for the people is greater than one for himself alone. From this, the task being required to be filled, by the leaders character will move the people to want to follow.

Under no obligations or force, a people will want to follow by the mere fact that the task is more beneficial to them than that of the leader. It is a common goal for all.

  • “Leadership is required in all fields and no field is without its usefulness”.

Regardless of the work, task, or goal set out, leadership is required in all aspects. Regardless of how simple or complex the task. Without true leadership, even the simplest of task will come to nothing.

And it is crucial to know that even the most complexity of a task, still requires the simplest of actions. Still needs true leadership and guidance in order for the complex task to be carried out.

What it means to be a true Leader

  • “Leaders are people who raise the standards which they themselves – and by, which they are willing to be judged. The goal chosen the objective selected, the requirements imposed, are not merely for their followers alone”.

A true leader has to set a standard high, and with that standard being set he himself should be held accountable to those standards. He knows those standards alone cannot be placed upon his followers. The standards set out should be a reflection of the leadership at hand.

It must show the characteristics in which the leader wants to impose on the people. How can a true leader set out high standards, yet he himself is not able to carry out?

  • “A good leader… maintains a balance between emotional drive and sound thinking”.

There are many serious and important decisions one will encounter as a leader. It is important to be rational and how to balance between emotional drive and sound thinking.

A true leader cannot allow their emotions to get the best of them in making a decision. They cannot allow their feelings to get in the way of making a decision which is best for all involved. It must not be biased. It must be fair and just.

  • “To lead one must learn to follow”.

A true leader is one who follows. One might say “but a leader doesn’t follow after people”. In actuality, a true leader is one who follows keenly. His actions and thoughts follow the laws of leadership, in the knowing what to do, when to do, how to do, why to do and where to do.

Therefore a leader follows, especially if there was one before who laid a foundation in the right way. A leader, follows the right ways and the right teachings. He is lead by the ways in which he can follow to grow and be a better leader.

Leadership Cont’d

  • “[Leaders]develop with consummate energy and devotion to their own skill and knowledge in order to reach the standards they themselves have set. This whole-hearted acceptance of the demands imposed by even higher standards is the basis of all human progress”.
  • “Leaders have to submit themselves to a stricter self-discipline and develop a more exemplary character than is expected of others. To be first in place, one must be first in merit as well”.
  • “Once a person has decided upon on his life work, and is assured that in doing the work for which he is best endowed and equipped, he is filling a vital need, what he then need….. is faith and integrity, coupled with a courageous spirit, so that, no longer preferring himself to the fulfilment of his task. He may address himself to the problems he must solve in order to be effective”.
  • “It is by deeds rather than by words that you can most effectively inspire”.
  • “Love, generosity and understanding are evidence of the administrative experiences of any government”.
– Haile Selassie I


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